Garden of Yoga

Dear Friend

There is still two openings for Paige’s cooking class on Saturday November 12th(this class was originally schedule on the 5th) and two openings as well on Saturday November 26th.

Please note that the South Austin Senior Activity Center will be closed on Friday 11.11.11 for Veteran’s Day. The Senior class (9 to 10am) has been moved to Austin soul Yoga.

Join us Saturday November 12th at Austin Soul Yoga from 9 to 11Am for an intermediate class or from 11:30Am to 1:00Pm for a beginner class.

Join us Sunday November 13th in Wimberley at Heart of Texas Yoga for a workshop titled:

Garden of Yoga

The foundation is the soil that links us to our fundamental Nature (Prakrti). Rooted in truth (Satya Pratisthana) we experience delight (Ananda) in the unfolding…(read more)

Join us Saturday November 19th in Georgetown from 2.30pm to 5.30pm for a workshop titled:

Seva Moving from the Heart

Hatha Yoga is a practice of Seva directed toward oneself. Moving from the heart we step in the current of our own Grace. As we build the capacity to be…(read more)

Join Paige for a fall cooking class Saturday November 12th & Saturday November 26th from 2 to 5pm

Hello Everyone,
I am pleased to offer this class in an Ayurvedic preparation of cabbage. It’s perfect for the Fall and will inspire your tastebuds to crave cabbage. Did you know that the cabbage family selectively destroys cancer cells? Good to have on your plate every day if possible. This combination of mustard and coconut and ….(read more)

Great News! Krishna Das will be in Austin January 20th & 21st 2012 for a kirtan and workshop. This event is now posted on his website, where you can already buy tickets online!

Here is the link:

Krishna Das is the one who put our Anusara Yoga invocation to music. He has been so influential for many of us in the Anusara  Yoga community and beyond. He teaches the Asanas for the Heart.

Blessings and peace

Charly Pivert & Paige Dunlap


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