Join us Saturday January 7th at Austin Soul Yoga from 9 to 11Am for an intermediate class or from 11:30Am to 1:00Pm for a beginner class.
Join us Sunday January 8th in San Antonio from 3:30 to 6:30pm for a workshop titled:“Samkalpa”
Intention is the power behind our actions that supports the alignment & expression of our Asanas. Like a tiny seed our Samkalpa already contains the potential of our practice. As we align and link our individual (read more)
Krishna Das will be in Austin January 20th & 21st 2012 for a kirtan and workshop. This event is now posted on his website, where you can already buy tickets online! Here is the link:
Krishna Das is the one who put our Anusara Yoga invocation to music. He has been so influential for many of us in the Anusara Yoga community and beyond. He teaches the Asanas for the Heart.
We are delighted to announce that John Friend, the founder of Anusara Yoga, will be coming to Austin the weekend of April 21st and 22nd 2012. Hilton Austin on 500 East 4th Street will be hosting the event. All information and registration is now available and posted on the Anusara Yoga website. Thank you to all who have made this event possible.Please start spreading the word in your local community.